Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tuesday October 2, Radio, Reading

Sally and I did get lost, too. However, one person lost is panic-inducing, but two friends lost is hilarious. We eventually got straightened out and arrived at the radio station on time.

Sally and I sat in the green room for a while listening to the playwrite and actor talking on the show ahead of me. When it was time, I clutched my glasses and went in. Jeffrey had picked out a selection from Turpentine for me to read. He was very warm, smart, the interview easy as conversation.

Then the reading. I was nervous. I have stood up before classes for years and not been nervous, but for some reason having to read my own work can get my heart thumping. I was going to wear a dress, but was so cold before we left, I decided to wear jeans. That made me a bit more comfortable. The finger of whiskey didn't hurt, either. We arrived just at 7:30. I think that was also a big help, not having to wait around.

The room was packed, lots of friends and even some people I didn't know sitting and standing clear to the back. There wasn't a podium and trying to read while standing and holding both my book and notes was tricky. (Louis was right about inserting the cards in the book with the transitions written on the cards...that would have worked better than separate notes) Yet, I didn't drop anything, didn't stumble, didn't trip and fall backwards over the chair. I worried my nose would drip but I was fine.

Shawna had taken the train from Berkeley to be there and that was extremely touching, as well as having so many of my friends taking time on a Tuesday night to be there. Afterwards I signed books, and the bookstore sold out. The last first edition Turpentines in Davis, perhaps, as the new box I received were second edition.

We went to the Bistro for a celebratory drink. A few fingers of whiskey, good conversation, a beautiful warm night with friends in California.

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