Monday, July 14, 2008


Here I am at the Mass booksigning in Scottsdale. What you can't see is that I've got on a GREAT pair of boots that I purchased for a ten dollar bid at the Western Writers of America Auction. They match my dress. What a deal.

Also there-my friend Loren Estleman signing his new book, "Gas City"-

-the wonderful Louis Warren (I got to sit by him because our names both start with W!) with his book, "Buffalo Bill's America"- Beside him (and beside me when I was sitting and not taking pictures) Max McCoy, "A Breed Apart." Max does underwater cave exploration in his non-writing time. He seemed so nice and not crazy, however, when talking to him. Go figure.

-the illustrious and prolific Johhny Boggs (Check out "The Hart Brand!")

-and my great pal, Deb Morgan (if you love mysteries and antiques, buy some of her books, "The Majolica Mysteries" available at Amazon) standing next to a smiling Tracy Hutton, wife of author/documentarian Paul Hutton. ("Phil Sheridan and his Army")

1 comment:

rosedale's 4head said...

Thanks for teasing us with the first pic. Mentioning the boots but not showing!!