Monday, October 8, 2007

Calgary Waiting

You must have a passport to fly into Canada now. Canada? Canada is our sister, our brother country, on our mother continent. It's like having to show your driver's license to get into your aunt's foyer! Homeland security, I suspect, making home smaller and smaller.

I am eager to see Calgary and Banff. I have been told these places are among the most beautiful in the world, so I have carefully placed my passport in my file, ready to show at the airport.

Today I talked with a reporter at the Enterprise. We had a pleasant hour to talk. It did occur to me as we happily chit-chatted that some of the things I was saying were kind of...silly, or perhaps might not sound too great taken out of context...such as my father not having read my book. That sounds bad. But, that's my Dad. He might read it sometime, might not.

It will be interesting to see what comes of the interview. The reporter was very nice, smart, and charming. I'm sure it will be just fine. Absolutely.

I still have Dayquil from the last trip, carmex, tylenol, so at least I don't have to go shopping. My bag is almost all packed. I have not yet made my cards for transitions for the talks, however. Tonight, tonight. I picked up extra postcards and Kinkos printed a bunch of them on paper, not cardstock, and left off the website from the bottom on a third. This, even after I hung around to preview a sample. I'll deal with it when I get back...or just chalk it up to the way things work out. A good thing that came of waiting around for Kinkos is seeing a friend at Borders. (Yes, I was checking to see if they had my book.) She is a new teacher and it was good to see her and then she bought a copy of Turpentine. I joked that I should just hang around and direct people to my place on the bookstore shelves.

The other thing I managed to do while waiting-buy another pair of glasses in case I should somehow (me?) misplace my other pair. Does this mean I'm going to have a vision failure as when I bought Dayquil I caught a cold? Of course not.

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